Photography Tips and Tricks

This week I learned a lot about different ways to improve my photography skills. I followed some of the tips the book 20 Ways To Make Better Photographs Without Buying Anymore Gear by David Duchemin. The first tip I tried was “pay attention to the moment.” This tip focuses on the importance of slowing down and waiting to make sure you are getting the best picture you can. I was in the car and I noticed there were two deer in my front yard. I had to slow down and pull out my phone to get a picture of the deer before they ran away. Instead of just clicking and hoping I took a good picture, I waited until the deer paused and looked up before taking the picture.

The next tip I tried was “get balanced.” This tip focuses on aspects of photographs that tend to draw more attention. I tried different approaches to this technique. I tried spreading out attention grabbing pieces of pictures, while I also tried centering them. I determined that I liked the pictures best that had the attention drawing objects spread out throughout the frame. In this picture, you can see the objects with the brighter colors, like pink, are spread throughout the image, which balances out the image.

The last tip I tried was “getting pickier.” This tip focuses on the importance of slowing down and thinking about what you want to get a picture of before trying to take the picture. I thought the sky looked really pretty in this picture and I wanted to try to capture a picture of it. Instead of just clicking and hoping that I would get a good picture, I tried to focus on what I was taking a picture of. It really worked for this picture.

I think these tips have helped and I am excited to use them in Iceland.

Published by Kaylie Curran

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